
The marketing activities that bring together developers and your company's services/products

The Developer Relations support industry is realizing a world where developers can have a better development experience. In the 「Information industry」, rather than fixating on a specific technology or a specific business model, people try to create partnerships with the world's most eminent businesses of the time, and move toward groups of businesses that can grow over a long period of time.

For whom and what world will be realized

Application of developer information
Application of developer information
No Advertising budget
No Ads

DevRel is joint venture marketing for developers

DevRel is PR services meant to make external developers familiar with your company's product/service. The main strategies for this include carrying out measures below.

  • Creating blog articles and contributions to external media
  • Hosting study sessions/ seminars at your company
  • Presenting at study meetings/ seminars hosted by external communities
  • Online community management
  • Social media management

Therefore, activities to help make your services known to developers are carried out continuously both in person and virtually. In addition to this, DevRel generates feedback about the service's development at the same time, by asking for the developer's requests and needs in relation to the service. This can be called joint venture marketing between external developers and your company's product/service.

A community can become an abstract asset that other companies cannot access

The relationship with developers created through study meetings and seminars, as well as online communities, can become an abstract asset for your company. This is something that takes time to form, and it is not something that can be readily imitated by a new company that has suddenly entered the market. The formation of this kind of community is in itself one of the key elements of DevRel. When other similar services exist, your relations and mind sharing with developers are the important factors behind remaining the developer's number one choice. DevRel has the power to make that possible.

DevRel is a marketing activity

When developers create a new service, the members who took part in its development independently run study meetings and seminars. However, these usually become tedious and end after only a few sessions. The same usually goes for developer's blogs. Although at first they are written in rotations, for the most part they end up becoming everyday tasks and do not continue for very long. Neglected and obsolete blogs can even hold the potential to harm a brand.
Why does this happen? It's because the results of the activities conducted are not properly analyzed, and the activities are not being carried out with their own objectives. In addition to properly setting out goals, in DevRel these activities are carried out continuously. This involves taking surveys, sending emails, and carrying out the relevant marketing activities.

MOONGIFT supports systematic DevRel activities

DevRel is technology evangelist activities so to speak. Someone who is knowledgeable in the same technological field as your service carries out your advertising activities. Although you might already have someone in a similar technology evangelist position within your company, if you are dependent on a single person for this job, if that person retires or moves companies, all of your DevRel activities will disappear.
Technological trends change constantly, and if you stop after just one type of activity, you will be taken over by another service in an instant. MOONGIFT's DevRel support service works systematically, and supports PR activities for your business's product/ service using a system made up of multiple people that includes a backup system.



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