
Our clients

We support Developer Relations by assisting activities across many different technologies. One area that we support is service.

nifcloud mobile backned

mobile backned

Nifcloud mobile backend is a mBaas (mobile Backend as a Service) smartphone app. It offers a Web app backend system. It has data, push notification, and certification systems.



hifive is a Web system framework for HTML5 businesses. It optimizes large scale, multi-person JavaScript development and the production of code with high maintainability. It also supports tablets and smart phones.


Monaca can create smartphone apps with HTML 5/JavaScript/CSS. Features that HTML5 is not sufficient for can be expanded using plugins. Monaca has grown to be a development platform that has 200,000 users domestically and internationally.

NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications allows the expansion of API business activities. It is used to administer communities and blogs used to raise visibility. It also administers API gateways and developer portals.

SAS Analytics for IoT

SAS Analytics for IoT

From data collection and integration to analytics, as well as analysis model configuration, it supports services for the entire IoT analytics lifecycle.



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